Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Come to the First Ever Protect Wisconsin's Vote Summit - Thursday, July 24

Election Protection Expert Sheila Cochran and The Institute for One Wisconsin invite you to
Protect Wisconsin's Vote Education Summit
Thursday, July 24 from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
at the Times Theater, 5906 W. Vliet Street, Milwaukee, WI.
The Protect Wisconsin's Vote Summit will feature a lively panel discussion on:
* Voter Suppression
* The Myth of Voter Fraud
* Felon Re-Enfranchisement
* Bilingual Voting
* Accessibility at Polls
* Pitfalls of Voter ID
* Same Day Registration
We will feature new films on voter rights by MATA Media and excerpts from the film Uncounted.
You can RSVP by clicking the link below:
The goal of our event is to inform the media about these important issues, educate community groups on what steps they can take to prevent voter suppression, dispel the myths of voter fraud, as well as collaborating to create an action plan to protect voting throughout the state.
The Institute for One Wisconsin is excited to partner with Voces de la Frontera, ACLU of WI, League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Milwaukee County Labor Council, and Disability Rights WI and hopes that you can join us for this historic event.
If you are interested in attending or participating in the event please feel free to contact Rob Ruzanic at 414.220.9250 or RSVP by clicking the link below:
Hope to see you on July 24 at the Times Theater!
Scot Ross
Executive Director
Institute for One Wisconsin
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008 Official Launch
to create the new with the goal of "Championing Urban Life in the Cream
City. And today we announce the "official" launch of
Jeramey Jannene, co-founder of Fresh Coast Ventures, LLC, and creator of says "When I started the idea was for the site to
be a blog about my thoughts on urbanism and Milwaukee. But it took on a life of its own and
has become a source for social, economic, and other urban Milwaukee news. The idea of
combining the sites came out of the desire to give Milwaukeeans a premiere place to hear, and
be heard, about urbanism and its benefits in Milwaukee.", a leading site on development news in Milwaukee, adds features such
as Milwaukee development photos to the site, extensive City Hall coverage, the perspectives of
Dave Reid, and the development resources of Texo Development, LLC. Dave Reid, co-founder
of Texo Development, LLC and creator of says "the merging of sites
seemed to be a natural fit with the purpose of both sites meshing so well. And once Jeramey
and I talked, we knew we both had the same goals of promoting urban ideals, and urban life in
Milwaukee. It's one of those cases where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
The site has undergone a redesign, with a new style more reflective of a news site than a
personal blog. The site will continue to add features over the summer, and looks to continue
promoting urbanism and discussing urban issues with its readers.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Bartolotta’s Lake Park Bistro Executive Chef Named Best Chef in Midwest

National James Beard Culinary Award Goes to Adam Siegel
MILWAUKEE, Wis. – Bartolotta’s Lake Park Bistro in Milwaukee today announced that Executive Chef Adam Siegel has been named The 2008 Best Chef in the Midwest by the nationally acclaimed James Beard Foundation in New York City. Siegel, 35, was selected from an esteemed group of other Midwestern finalists, including three prominent chefs from Minneapolis and one from Kansas City.
The James Beard award recognizes Siegel for his culinary expertise in preparing French bistro cuisine at the Lake Park Bistro. Siegel offers a contemporary flair to the French preparation style of Les Plats Classique, Les Plats Traditionnel and La Cuisine Modern du Chef. Siegel is also Executive Chef of Bacchus – A Bartolotta Restaurant in downtown Milwaukee.
“We are extremely proud of Adam’s selection as Best Chef in the Midwest by the prestigious James Beard Foundation and are also proud of what this national recognition for culinary excellence brings to the City of Milwaukee and our entire region.” said Joe Bartolotta, owner of The Bartolotta Restaurant Group. “This award reinforces what we have known for many years, and that is that Adam is truly a gifted chef. Those who partake in his culinary creations are always in for an enjoyable and memorable dining experience. We join the dining community of Milwaukee and Wisconsin in congratulating him for his creativity and leadership at two of our restaurants.”
Siegel has worked for The Bartolotta Restaurant Group for eight years. He’s traveled the world during the early part of his career studying under several James Beard Award winners in San Francisco and Washington D.C., and also in Italy and France. In addition, Siegel also trained under Paul Bartolotta at the Spiaggia restaurant in Chicago. Paul has also been a James Beard Foundation award winner, is a nationally recognized and awarded chef as well, and currently runs a popular restaurant at the Wynn hotel in Las Vegas. Siegel was raised in the North Shore area of Chicago and graduated from the culinary school at Kendall College in Chicago.
The James Beard Foundation Awards is the nation’s pre-eminent recognition program honoring professionals in the food and beverage industries. The Awards celebrate outstanding achievement in a variety of categories including: Restaurants and Chefs, Books, Journalism, Restaurant Design and Graphics, special achievement and more. Industry professionals are involved in the judging process, which includes hundreds of entries. The Foundation itself is dedicated to celebrating, preserving, and nurturing America’s culinary heritage and diversity in order to elevate the appreciation of culinary excellence. The Foundation is named for cookbook author, teacher and champion of American cuisine, James Beard, who died in 1985. More information can be found at
The Bartolotta Restaurant Group is located in Wauwatosa and includes The Bartolotta Catering Company and several well known Milwaukee area restaurants, including Ristorante Bartolotta, Bartolotta’s Lake Park Bistro, Mr. B’s – A Bartolotta Steakhouse, and Bacchus – A Bartolotta Restaurant. More information on the restaurants and catering can be found at
Your Chance to Hear New York Times Best Seller David Sirota
David Sirota, author of the New York Times best selling book Hostile Takeover, is coming to Milwaukee on Tuesday, June 17 at Harry W. Schwartz Bookshop at 7 p.m. for a book signing of his latest progressive clarion call, The Uprising.
Here's what the Washington Post had to say about The Uprising:
"The Uprising is a hard book to dislike or dismiss. Sirota reports cleverly and in pleasing detail about a complex world of political conflict that the journalistic throng obsessed with presidential candidates and their handlers seldom notices... He may not have the Establishment quaking in its Guccis, but his always energetic, often ironic reporting certainly made the quest worthwhile."
David has been a good friend to the progressive movement in Wisconsin and his blogs, columns and books are regularly cited in work we do here at One Wisconsin Now.
Can you join us June 17 at 7 p.m. at the Harry W. Schwartz Bookshop, 2559 N. Downer Avenue in Milwaukee? You can RSVP and get more details here.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Demand more from your radio dial
Dear Reader,
Did you know that America's top 5 commercial radio station owners broadcast more than 2,570 hours of conservative news and talk every weekday? In our age of Shameful Shock Jocks* spewing hate talk, we need to support the progressive radio alternative, where facts are a crucial part of the story.
Our friends at Air America Radio are breaking new ground and hot news stories. They have some of AlterNet's most popular writers and media figures on their team -- Rachel Maddow, Tom Hartman, Laura Flanders, and others. And now, you can listen to them any time you'd like to, on the web, for free. Give them a try.
Don Hazen
Executive Editor,
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Commuter Bus Ridership Up in Milwaukee, But After Years of Service Cuts It Won’t Be Able to Handle Increase
Data from the first three months of the year shows that Milwaukee commuter buses are seeing an increase in ridership that matches the national trend, which is something I’ve been predicting would happen for months now.
But there’s a problem with the increase in ridership here in Southeastern Wisconsin: after years of service cuts (and fare increases), transit officials now say they cannot handle a big increase in the number of riders.
Why? Because of poor long term planning and service cuts which have crippled the system and made it into a shell of it’s former self. When you completely drop nearly 20 routes, raise fares, and cut back on other routes throughout the system with a purposeful and deliberate goal of drowning what was at one time the best transit operation in the Country, this is what happens.
You have more demand for a service, but a deliberate willingness to not increase supply, and commuters in and around Milwaukee now are paying the price.
The kicker is that even at this late hour, with gas prices over $4.00/gallon, Southeastern Wisconsin still has no action plan in any regard to handle the desire of it’s residents to utilize more mass transit options:
As more drivers in the Milwaukee area convert to riding commuter buses from designated lots in Waukesha, Washington and Ozaukee counties, those buses are becoming more crowded. But after years of slashing service, beleaguered public transit systems can’t gear up quickly to handle a major influx of new riders, transit officials
Those opposed to mass transit in Wisconsin, led by County Exec. Walker, have successfully blocked any real progress on mass transit for the better part of a decade now. As residents actually start to feel the repercussions of that policy, more and more will start to ask the very valid question of, “Why are we the only metro area in the Country moving backwards on transit?”.
That’s something Walker and his supporters should have to answer for.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
GOP Fails To Recruit Minority Candidates

At a time when Democrats are poised to knock down a historic racial barrier with their presidential nominee, the GOP is fielding only a handful of minority candidates for Congress or statehouses - none of whom seem to have a prayer of victory.
At the start of the Bush years, the Republican National Committee - in tandem with the White House - vowed to usher in a new era of GOP minority outreach. As George W. Bush winds down his presidency, Republicans are now on the verge of going six - and probably more - years without an African-American governor, senator or House member.
That’s the longest such streak since the 1980s.
Republicans will have only one minority governor, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, an Indian-American, when the dust settles on the ’08 elections. Democrats have three minority governors and 43 African-American members of Congress, including one - Illinois Sen. Barack Obama - who is their likely presidential nominee. Democrats also have several challengers in winnable House races who are either black or Hispanic.
Despite having a Spanish-speaking “compassionate conservative” in the White House, Republicans’ diversity deficit seems to have only widened.
“In 1994, when I first ran, we had 14 African-American Republicans running for Congress. ... I was the only one that won that year, but we had 14, and we had some good candidates,” said former Oklahoma Rep. J.C. Watts, one of the party’s most recognized African-American voices. “I am grateful for what Ken Mehlman did when he was RNC chairman, but I knew that wouldn’t last - that was one person. I’ve never gotten the impression that it was institutionalized.”
So who’s to blame for this diversity deficit?
Jack Kemp, the former Republican congressman and vice presidential nominee, says the culprit is clear: a “pitiful” recruitment effort by his party. “I don’t see much of an outreach,” he said. “I don’t see much of a reason to run.”
A former black GOP candidate who declined to be identified by name offered a slightly more charitable explanation. He said the party is so broke and distracted that wooing strong minority candidates is a luxury it simply cannot afford right now.
Congressional staffers contacted for reaction on this issue did not want to comment but were clearly uneasy with the party’s all-white slate of viable candidates.
In all fairness, Republicans have never been very good at attracting strong minority candidates, especially African-Americans. Only four black Republicans - Watts, former Massachusetts Sen. Edward Brooke, former Connecticut Rep. Gary Franks and the late Illinois Rep. Oscar Stanton De Priest - have been elected to Congress since Reconstruction.
The party has done slightly better with Cuban-Americans and Hispanics in recent years - Cuban-American Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida recently served as RNC chairman. But the GOP remains a white-dominated party elected overwhelmingly by white voters.
Another mitigating factor for the party is that this has been a terrible year overall for GOP recruitment, as exemplified in the 0-for-3 Republican streak in special elections in recent weeks. The dilemma is simple: Who wants to run when the Republican brand is so unpopular and money is so scarce?
Still, the recruitment failure is striking when you consider the recent history of the GOP on this issue. It was not long ago - 2005, to be precise - that Mehlman, then the RNC chairman, grabbed headlines with a major speech on diversity before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
“Republicans are committed to inclusion,” he told the group’s national convention. “I’m here four years before the next presidential election asking for your help. Inclusion means you work together to recruit candidates, not surrogates to speak on their behalf.”
Mehlman was far from alone. President Bush dedicated significant time in the early years of his presidency to reaching out to African-Americans with countless speeches on education and faith-based initiatives directed at minority communities. He aggressively appointed prominent blacks to his Cabinet, including two secretaries of state: Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice.
Bush sometimes broke into Spanish as he called for immigration laws providing illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship, a hot topic in Hispanic communities.
The efforts, of course, were designed to attract voters - not just candidates - into the GOP fold. And the moral of the story is that the party clearly failed.
Some party insiders point to 2006 as the specific proof that diversity efforts may sound great but are still impractical and electorally unrewarding for the GOP.
During that cycle, Mehlman and GOP leaders talked a number of attractive black candidates into running for important seats: Michael Steele of Maryland, for the Senate; and Lynn Swann of Pennsylvania and Ken Blackwell of Ohio, for governor.
Scores of stories were written about the Republicans’ new plan to win tough seats with well-funded minority candidates.
Then they all lost badly. The election results in their respective states showed that they hardly made any inroads - even in the heavily African-American parts of the states they were running in. Swann was later asked to run for the House, and he declined.
Suddenly, the argument for minority outreach seemed to lack the underpinning of any successful political strategy: the ability to produce more votes.
The exit polling data for House races in 2006 showed the depth of the GOP’s outreach crisis. Republican candidates won 11 percent of the black vote and 30 percent of the Hispanic vote.
However, Watts, for one, rejects the argument that Republicans can’t compete for minority votes or successfully recruit minority candidates. He argues that the party simply hasn’t tried hard enough.
“Unless you have an infrastructure to build off of, it’s all throwing mud at the wall and hoping that some of it sticks,” said Watts. “There’s an entire infrastructure that needs to be thought through, and it seems to me no one is interested in building that.”
By Jim VandeHei and Josh Kraushaar
Copyright 2008 POLITICO
Monday, May 19, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Taylor, a superdelegate because of her position as first vice chair of the state Dem Party, said in a statement released by the Obama campaign that her recent unsuccessful campaign for Milwaukee County executive made her “more aware then ever of the need to galvanize, motivate and inspire political participation by every member of society.”
“He’s awakened a sleeping giant -- the people.“ she said in the statement.
Earlier this week, UW-Madison student Awais Khaleel, a superdelegate because of his position with College Democrats, announced his support for Obama.
With Khaleel and Taylor now supporting him, Obama has the backing of 11 Wisconsin superdelegates.
Two support Hillary Clinton, while three remain undecided. Those who have not backed anyone included U.S. Sens. Herb Kohl of Milwaukee and Russ Feingold of Middleton, along with Feingold staffer Paula Zellner.
Feingold has said he was inclined to support Obama and voted for him in Wisconsin’s Feb. 19 primary but has not official pledged his super delegate vote to Obama.
Legislature to Close Wal-Mart Loophole

The State Senate took the lead today to end the loophole that lets Wal-Mart and other big corporations evade $15 million annually by exploiting the state tax law (and the taxpayers).
Under the tax evasion scheme, tells the Institute for Wisconsin's Future, Wal-Mart would have one part of its business pay another part of the biz for rent allowing it to "reduce" its Wisconsin profits and consequently, reduce the amount of money it's required to provide the taxpayers of Wisconsin.
As part of the budget repair bill, Senate Dems voted to close loophole and save the people of Wisconsin the $15 million it costs to give Wal-Mart et al this ridiculous tax giveaway.
Wal-Mart is already bilking the taxpayers of Wisconsin by having over 1,200 employees and their dependants get health care through BadgerCare at a cost of $2.7 million.
Hopefully, closing this loophole will be part of a long-term effort to restore sane and progressive tax policy to the state of Wisconsin.
OWN has previously called for restoration of the estate tax, which ended this year. If you haven't signed our petition on that yet, click here to take action today.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Downtown a Cost-Effective and Time-Efficient Alternative for UWM Expansion
Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s expansion would be between $23-28 million less to construct and
could be finished in a more timely manner than the currently contemplated County Grounds
site in Wauwatosa.
First, downtown Milwaukee has all of the infrastructure in place needed for development, such
as roads, sewer, water, stormwater management and telecommunications. Constructing that
infrastructure on undeveloped land in Wauwatosa would cost between $15-20 million. In
addition, excess land would have to be purchased in Wauwatosa for freeway buffers and
stormwater management. In downtown, less land would need to be purchased, saving
additional financial resources. As a result, UWM would be able to spend their limited funds on
actual school buildings, research facilities and chair endowments instead of land purchases and
infrastructure. Downtown would also allow shared parking opportunities, whereas in
Wauwatosa, all parking would be used solely for UWM and left underutilized in off-peak
times. A chart explaining these costs in more detail can be found online at:
Second, not only will UWM have to spend less time raising money to begin construction, with
all of the infrastructure in place, they can begin construction of school buildings immediately.
There would be little public opposition to students moving into the downtown area and there
are little environmental concerns with a downtown location. As a result, the public hearing
process would be smooth.
Dave Reid of UWM Downtown says, “It is important to the Milwaukee region’s economy that UWM increase its research capacity as soon as possible and it is important to the taxpayers of
Wisconsin that UWM chooses a cost-effective location.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Miller Park second in SI fan survey

The Business Journal of Milwaukee
When it comes to enjoying a day at the ballpark, Miller Park in Milwaukee is almost the best place to be, according to a new fan survey from
The Milwaukee Brewers' home field ranked second only to Cleveland Indians' Progressive Field in the survey of thousands of Major League fans conducted by Sports Illustrated's Web site.
The online survey was conducted in March and asked fans to rate their ballparks in 10 categories, including affordability, food quality, team quality, atmosphere, hospitality, traffic and neighborhood. Miller Park ranked first in food quality and in the quality of the promotions.
The home fields for the Brewers' division, the National League Central, fared well in the survey, with three making the top five. PNC Park, home to Brewers' rival Pittsburgh Pirates, ranked third. Comerica Park, home of the American League's Detroit Tigers, ranked fourth, followed by the NL Central's St. Louis Cardinals' Busch Stadium III.
Barbara Walters to visit Milwaukee Press Club

MILWAUKEE, WI – Barbara Walters, one of the most important woman in the history of broadcast journalism, will visit the Milwaukee Press Club on Thursday, May 29th as part of her nation-wide book tour for her new memoir, Audition. Ms. Walters will be signing copies of her book for readers beginning at 12:30 p.m. at the Newsroom Pub, 137 E. Wells Street.
This MPC members-only event will begin with registration and a buffet lunch at Noon. Each current member is allowed to bring one non-member guest. The cost for the event is $20 per person, and includes lunch.
In Audition (published by Alfred A. Knopf), Ms. Walters writes with candor about her private life and professional career, reflecting on the choices she has made, the work she has done, the people she has met, the heartbreak she has faced, and the challenges she has coped with and overcome.
“Young people starting out in television sometimes say to me: ‘I want to be you,’” Walters writes in Audition. “My stock reply is always: ‘Then you have to take the whole package.’” Walters also talks about the extraordinary range of interviews she has conducted during her forty years on the air, and speaks with candor about the television industry and how it has changed.
“Barbara Walters is a totemic figure in the world of broadcast news,” said Sonny Mehta, Chairman of Alfred A. Knopf, “and her long-awaited memoir is striking for its honesty and élan. Her story is fascinating, inspiring and altogether riveting, and I am certain her candor about both her good fortune and travails will prove especially resonant with readers.”
The first printing for Audition has been set at 550,000 copies, and an exclusive excerpt from the book will appear in Vanity Fair magazine. Oprah Winfrey will conduct the first broadcast interview with Barbara Walters in concert with the release of the book: the interview is scheduled to air on Oprah Tuesday, May 6.
Copies of Audition will be available to purchase at this event. Ms. Walters will be available to sign copies of her book Audition only, but due to time limitations, she will not be able to personalize. If you bring a camera, please be aware that photos may only be taken by a designated press club photographer; and no video cameras are allowed.
Registration and lunch will begin at Noon. Ms. Walters will speak briefly beginning promptly at 12:30 p.m. The book signing will begin immediately following her comments and end at 1:30 p.m.
Advance registration is required and space is limited. Members may register on-line at or by calling Joette Richards at 262-894-2224. Payment must be made in advance to reserve your space. Checks may be mailed to the MPC at PO Box 223, Hales Corners, WI 53130-0223; or credit cards will be accepted when registering on line or by calling Joette.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
John McCain: "NAFTA Has Created Millions Of Jobs"

Senator John McCain visited and spoke to the five remaining workers at a Fabart steel fabricating factory in Youngstown, Ohio, that had more than 100 employees a few years ago. (Photo: Mary Altaffer/Associated Press)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Mayor Tom Barrett Supports UWM Expansion in the City of Milwaukee
Mayor signed a resolution promoting the expansion of the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
(“UWM”) within the City of Milwaukee, specifically in the downtown area.
A week earlier, this resolution was unanimously approved by Milwaukee’s Common Council.
The entire resolution can be found here:
UWM Downtown applauds this effort and believes that downtown Milwaukee offers the best
location for a UWM expansion in the entire Milwaukee region.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

As Wisconsin approaches a third annual "Day without a Latino" march May 1, those on both sides of the immigration debate say nothing of substance is being done to address the issue.
Organizers announced plans for next month's march today, saying the purpose was to send a message to elected officials and presidential candidates that things need to change.
"This year we are sending very clear message and that message is to whichever next president is elected in 2008 that we want to see comprehensive immigration reform in the first 100 days in office," Christina Neumann-Ortiz, executive director of Voces de la Frontera, said today at City Hall press conference to announce the May 1 march.
"And to the current administration a very strong message that we want to see a immediate stop to arrests, deportations, on raids and immediate stop to the criminalization of low wage working families and employers in this country."
During the past two marches, locally owned Hispanic businesses have closed for at least part of the day or operated with minimal staff. This year, Voces is asking business to stay open and help by mobilizing for the march or offering economic support. Neumann-Ortiz said Voces is asking employers allow their workers to attend the march without retaliation.
"The reason we are doing this march because we are, I think, at a very exciting moment in the struggle in this country," Neumann-Ortiz said.
She said that last year's march was significant in stopping legislation sponsored by U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Menomonee Falls, that he dubbed the Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. Sensenbrenner's bill called for a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, requiring employers to verify employees' citizenship status and making it a crime to assist undocumented immigrants.
State Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-West Bend, said that he does not think that anything is being done either on a local or national level.
"It seems to me that the Bush administration has, for whatever reason, encouraged illegal immigration with their inactivity for the last seven years," Grothman said.
There have been a series of fights at the state level over immigration over the last several years without many changes. Lawmakers fought attempts by Gov. Jim Doyle to allow children of illegal immigrants who graduate from Wisconsin high schools to attend the UW System at in-state tuition rates; they now pay the more expensive out-of-state rates.
Other proposals lawmakers have grappled with include legislation to prohibit local ordinances that restrict public employees from inquiring about the immigration status of those seeking public services. The bill, sponsored by Grothman, did not become law. At the national level, the Real ID Act and the Social Security "no-match" letters are two bills recently that have dealt with the issue of undocumented immigration.
Sensenbrenner also sponsored the Real ID Act, which placed new restrictions on state driver licenses and identification cards. The Department of Homeland Security earlier this year announced a delay in the implementation of the law.
Both Grothman and Neumann-Ortiz said that Sensenbrenner is a leading figure in the anti-immigration movement. Sensenbrenner declined to be interviewed for this article.
The Social Security "no-match" letters program, which was halted by a federal judge last year, would send employers a notice that a worker's identification number did not match government records. The employee then has 90 days to rectify the situation or the employer would have to terminate the worker. Those employed have to be a U.S. citizen or here legally.
Illegal immigration was a topic at the recent Future Wisconsin Conservative Leadership Coalition conference in Wauwatosa.
Attorney Chris Carson, co-founder of the Wisconsin Conservative Digest, was invited by the journal’s publisher Robert Dohnal to take part in a panel discussion on immigration. Carson is not an immigration lawyer, but he has represented undocumented workers in the past as part of his practice.
In an interview, Carson said he thinks that people are not informed about the drain that undocumented immigrants have on public services and non-payment of taxes.
“They need to be aware of how much it costs the legal residents of Wisconsin,” Carson said. “Nobody really thinks of it in terms of economic reality. They think of it in terms of, very often particularly the liberal end of the perspective, tend to think in terms of emotional arguments, the right of people to live self-fulfilled."
Midwest Airlines to lay off 109, cut back schedule

The Business Journal of Milwaukee
Midwest Airlines confirmed Wednesday that it will lay off 35 pilots and 74 other employees -- and cut the frequency of certain flights -- to counter rising fuel costs.
"Midwest Airlines is not immune to the staggering impact that fuel prices are having on the U.S. airline industry," Midwest chairman and CEO Timothy Hoeksema told employees Tuesday, according to a Wednesday press release.
"The actions we are taking today will enable us to maximize revenues, reduce our cost structure, provide for efficient cash and help us weather this storm, moving forward."
The Oak Creek-based airline also is seeking to cut costs by reducing weight on planes -- so less fuel is burned -- restructuring various departments to remove redundancies, and improving on-time performance and baggage handling.
The changes also involve an initiative called "Midwest Class," a seating choice program to debut this fall on the Boeing 717 fleet that allows passengers a chance to upgrade their seats for a higher ticket price. The program is expected to boost revenue.
Last week, the company told its pilots union that 35 pilots will be laid off under a revision of the flight schedule and that 22 will receive position and pay downgrades, according to Paul Sweet, a first officer with Midwest and a spokesman for the Air Line Pilots Association.
On Wednesday, Midwest confirmed the pilot layoffs, and released additional information.
Map of Memories - Wild Space Dance Company's Season Finale

The colorful early settlement of Milwaukee's Jones Island becomes an evocative Map of Memories in Wild Space Dance Comapny's season finale. Wild Space merges expressive contemporary dance with images and text inspired by the stories of Polish, Kaszubian and Eastern European immigrants who founded the Island's fishing village in the 1870s. Prior to the evening performances, Milwaukee historian and author John Gurda will reveal the island's journey from thriving fishing village to harbor hub.
Danceworks, 1661 N. Water St
May 2nd and 3rd - 8pm, May 4th - 2:30pm and 8pm
Tickets: $25 premium, $20 adults, $15 students and seniors
(7:15 pm pre-performance talk with historian and author John Gurda)
BOX OFFICE: (414) 277-8480
for more info, wisit or call (414)271-0307
Finley to discuss museum's future at Newsmaker Luncheon

MILWAUKEE, WI— Dan Finley, president of the Milwaukee Public Museum, will be the featured guest at the Milwaukee Press Club's Newsmaker Luncheon on Wednesday, April 23. The event will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Newsroom Pub in downtown Milwaukee at 137 E. Wells St.
Finley will discuss the Milwaukee Public Museum's financial condition and outlook. He will assess the success of the "Body Worlds" exhibit and discuss future exhibits and other changes planned for the museum. He also will discuss the future of the former Discovery World space adjacent to the museum and the state of Milwaukee's tourism industry.
The Milwaukee Public Museum recently made its final repayment on a $6 million loan that was guaranteed by Milwaukee County. The repayment of the loan closed a rocky chapter for the museum. Finley, the former Waukesha County executive, took the helm of the museum in July 2005.
The public is invited to attend the Newsmaker Luncheon, where Finley will take questions from a panel of professional journalists.
The Milwaukee Press Club's Newsmaker Luncheon Series is sponsored by Journal Communications and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
The Press Club presents the Newsmaker Luncheons monthly to shed light on issues of the day. The public is invited to attend the luncheons. The cost to attend is $15 for MPC members, $20 for non-members, $10 for students. Lunch is included. Pre-registration and advance payment is required and may be done online at Checks may be mailed to the MPC at PO Box 223, Hales Corners, WI 53130-0223. Cancellations will be accepted up to 48 hours in advance for a full refund. Contact the Milwaukee Press Club at or 414-588-9571 with any further questions. To pay by credit card, call 262-894-2224.
Big Tax Breaks for Businesses in Housing Bill

Published: April 16, 2008
The Senate proclaimed a fierce bipartisan resolve two weeks ago to help American homeowners in danger of foreclosure. But while a bill that senators approved last week would take modest steps toward that goal, it would also provide billions of dollars in tax breaks — for automakers, airlines, alternative energy producers and other struggling industries, as well as home builders.
Big Tax Breaks for Businesses in Housing Bill
Condi Must Go - Watch the Smoking Gun Video
How can we express the terrible shock we have felt from the fact that our government is using torture? How can we express what so many of us are thinking-that it is absolutely appalling to know that our representatives are implementing barbaric instruments of torture as policy? How do we express our moral outrage?
Perhaps more importantly, how do we begin to take steps towards ending this heinous crime? We demand Secretary of State Rice to resign.
Our allies at True Majority, USAction, and Democracy for America have launched a campaign to START calling out our leaders by focusing on Condoleezza Rice. No, she is not the President. But we want to call attention to the fact that the Secretary of State called for torture when she was National Security Adviser.
This is our campaign to get all three Presidential nominees to call for Rice's resignation. Accountability must start with her, especially now that she's being mentioned as a potential Vice Presidential candidate. We want to push all the Presidential candidates on this issue. They need to make a public stance: Condi Must Go!
Join us in taking action. Join us in creating a firestorm while the traditional media is missing in action. Join us in spreading the word to mobilize our country. We cannot tolerate officials with a blatant disregard for human rights.
Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Team
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition Opens October 10, 2008

Actual artifacts, recovered from two and one-half miles below the surface of the North Atlantic, tell the story behind the legendary Titanic's short journey from construction and destruction to eventual recovery. Walk her decks, peer into her cabins, and meet her passengers and crew.
Tickets On Sale July 19
Click here to sign-up for future email updates about Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition.
view video here
Sunday, April 13, 2008
In 2007, Milwaukee reported 105 homicides in the city, up slightly from 2006.*2
In 2006 Milwaukee had 622 non-fatal shooting victims compared to 485 in 2007.*2
Between 2004 and 2006 there was a 15% decline in homicide in MHRC review districts (2,5 and 6) and a 44% increase in Districts 1,3,4 and 7.*2
In 2005 and 2006, 11% of homicide suspects and 13% of homicide victims were under 18.*2
In 62% of homicides, the suspect has known the victim.*2
Nearly 40% of homicides are the result of an argument.*2
Roughly 80% of the homicides in Milwaukee are firearm related*2
Of the 236,408 children living in Milwaukee County in 2005, 2,265 were the victims of abuse and/or neglect.*1
*1 - Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Report, 2005
*2 - Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission
Friday, April 11, 2008
Milwaukee Common Council Endorses UWM Expansion in the City of Milwaukee
This morning, at the last Milwaukee Common Council meeting of the 2004-08 cycle, the Council
unanimously approved a resolution promoting the expansion of the University of Wisconsin –
Milwaukee (“UWM”) within the City of Milwaukee, specifically in the downtown area.
Resolution number 071708 was co-sponsored by Ald. D’Amato, Ald. Zielinski and Ald. Bauman.
The entire resolution can be found here:
UWM Downtown applauds this effort and believes that downtown Milwaukee offers the best
location for a UWM expansion in the entire Milwaukee region.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008

The world premiere of "The Night is a Child", is currently being presented at the Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, and we highly recommend it - great play and great performances grace the stage of the Quadracci Powerhouse Theatre, and it is not to be missed.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Budget Veto Highlights Walker's Fiscal Mismanagement
Walker’s Fiscal Mismanagement
Milwaukee – John Zapfel, campaign manager for Lena Taylor, released the
following statement in response to the county’s budget surplus:
“I applaud the County Board for its well-crafted budget that created our 2007
surplus. Clearly, Scott Walker vetoing this budget was yet another example of
his short-sighted and misguided fiscal planning.
“There are several recent examples of Mr. Walker mishandling county dollars.
We just learned that because of his cuts to mental health treatment, the county is
paying our police officers $4.2 million in overtime. Mr. Walker has put us into
crisis mode for not valuing our county medical examiners, and we’ve lost talent
and a $158,000 contract as a result. And while Mr. Walker touts this surplus,
county residents have lost bus routes, our parks have not been maintained, and
bad management and neglect pose safety risks at the House of Corrections. He
has failed to show fiscal accountability or an understanding of how to properly
manage our county resources.”
Milwaukee-area unemployment at 5.5 percent
The seasonally unadjusted unemployment rate in the Milwaukee area increased to 5.5 percent in February, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development reported Wednesday.
The rate for the Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis metropolitan statistical area increased from 5.3 percent a month ago and was up from 5.4 percent in February 2007. The jobless rate in all 12 metro areas in the state increased compared with January's rate, the agency said.
Department of Workforce Development Secretary Roberta Gassman said the unemployment rates followed normal patterns of increasing during the mid-winter months. The statewide rate was 4.9 percent, the same as January's rate and down from 5.1 percent in February 2007.
The number of Milwaukee-area nonfarm wage and salary jobs increased by 1,500, to 841,100, compared with January's total. The agency said last week the state added 4,100 jobs since January because of a large increase in government jobs resulting from public schools and universities resuming classes after winter break.
Since February 2007, however, the Milwaukee area lost 1,900 jobs.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Admirals to Pack the House for MACC

Are you sick of the snow? Then join us on the ice for the Annual Milwaukee Admirals Charity Game. Your Milwaukee Admirals will take on the Houston Aeros on Sunday, March 30th at 4pm at the Bradley Center.
The first 5,000 fans will receive a one-of-a-kind baseball cap featuring the Admirals and Brewers logos, courtesy of the Milwaukee Brewers.
You and your family and friends will enjoy fast-paced hockey action while helping kids with cancer and related blood disorders. Upper bowl seats will be available at an unbelievable price – only $3.00 per ticket! $2.00 from each ticket sold will benefit the MACC Fund, Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer, Inc., and critical research efforts. Lower bowl tickets will be available at regular pricing with $2.00 from each ticket benefiting the MACC Fund.
Admirals Pack for MACC offers an exciting opportunity for businesses and corporations to treat their employees, clients, family and friends to an Admirals game at an affordable price point while helping the MACC Fund at the same time. It’s a win-win – help us fill the house.
Tickets are available for purchase by calling the Admirals at 414-227-0550 or by calling Ticketmaster at 414-276-4545 (Ticketmaster is reducing their fee to only $1.00). You can also visit the Admirals website.
The mission of the MACC Fund is “teaming up to cure childhood cancer and related blood disorders through research” – supporting research into the effective treatments and cures of pediatric cancers and related blood disorders like sickle cell anemia. Research holds the KEY to advancing the cure. Since the inception of the MACC Fund in 1976, nearly $30 million has been contributed in support of critical research efforts. Overall cure rates now reach 80% compared to just 20% 30 years ago. Many challenges remain. MACC Fund support is a source of hope for young people suffering from cancer and related blood disorders.
The primary beneficiary of MACC Fund support is the Midwest Children’s Cancer Center with research conducted in the MACC Fund Research Center of the Medical College of Wisconsin. Support is also provided to the Paul P. Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Monday, March 24, 2008

Dear Milwaukee County Resident,
After five years of the current County Executive Administration, Milwaukee County tax payers are in an unwarranted position. Two thirds of Milwaukee County residents believe that County Government is on the wrong track.
You have spoken and I have listened.
With inexcusable cuts to our court system, detrimental eliminations to public transportation that make it difficult for our children to get to school and parents to get to work, along with closing parks that people from all walks of life depend on for recreation, we as Milwaukee county residents deserve better.
As a member of the powerful state senate joint finance committee, I have experience in creating budgets that maintain public services. I will put that experience to work for Milwaukee County.
Just as I have as a state legislator, I will work hard to:
Reform our pension system
Restore fiscal accountability
Fight for our fair share of property tax relief from Madison
Maintain services that we expect from County Government
I will work with the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors to create balanced budgets that will improve our quality of life, meet the needs of families, and our seniors.
The incumbent has made the office of County Executive a partisan one. I intend to make the office of the County Executive one that is accountable to the community – not just partisan politics.
With new direction, new leadership, and new vision, I will put Milwaukee County Government back on the right track.

Candidate Forum Tuesday, March 25
Sponsor: Marquette University Les Aspin Center
Marquette University Law School, 1103 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee
Public welcome.
Candidate Forum Wednesday, March 26
Sponsor: 4th Street Forum
Marquette Milwaukee Turner Hall, 2nd Floor, 1034 N 4th St, Milwaukee
Public welcome.

Downtown businesses to toss cheese, brats and fresh fish in charitable event
along Milwaukee River Walk in Old World Third Street area
MILWAUKEE, Wis. – The East Town and Westown Associations today announced they will meet along
Milwaukee’s River Walk next to the new Kincaid’s Restaurant at noon on Friday, March 28, to compete for charitable
contributions in a “fish tossing” style contest that will challenge dexterity, aim and appetites in the name of community
spirit and fun in support of welcoming a new business to the area.
“Downtown businesses on both sides of the river respect Milwaukee tradition and also enjoy trying exciting
new things,” said Stacie Callies, Westown Association executive director. “Both of our business associations are
looking forward to this competition because it takes good, old-fashioned Wisconsin cheese and brats and combines
them with the fresh-fish throwing tradition made famous in fish markets in Seattle, the home-base for the newly
opened Kincaid’s Restaurant downtown. It’s a nice way to welcome Kincaid’s Restaurant to Milwaukee and get our
business members together to help raise money for our neighborhood improvement activities.”
“Our members are really gearing up for this and we expect a good crowd. It will likely get a little messy when
the fish and other items start flying, but it’s all part of the fun,” said Kate Borders, East Town Association executive
director. “Westown may have a little home court advantage in our Milwaukee version of ‘March Madness’ since
Kincaid’s is located on its side of the river, but we’ll come to play and are already tossing smelt and walleye in
preparation. In all seriousness, our business association members on both sides of the river are good natured at heart
and enjoy a great camaraderie when it comes to promoting the downtown and making it a better place for everyone to
work, live and play.”
The event will start at 12:15 p.m. at Kincaid’s Restaurant at 1110 North Old World Third Street (the spot
formerly occupied by Third Street Pier). Two 10-member teams representing each association will line up gauntlet-
style near the River Walk. Participants will wear colorful, water-repellent ponchos and toss the cheese, brats and fresh
fish to each other down the line. The teams will be competing for $5,000 in donations to their non-profit
“We are excited about this event and are happy to be a part of Milwaukee’s downtown business community,”
said Karli Larsen, guest services director for Kincaid’s Restaurant.
Kincaid’s, a new fish, chop and steakhouse is sponsoring the contest and will also be providing the fresh fish.
Usinger’s Famous Sausage will supply the stringed bratwurst and Wisconsin Cheese Mart will supply mini-wheels of
Wisconsin cheese for the tossing. Both are Old World Third Street neighbors to Kincaid’s.
Kincaid’s is a restaurant with a diverse menu featuring a number of unique, versatile dishes from rock salt-
roasted prime rib and lobster macaroni and cheese, to a fresh seafood list that changes regularly. Kincaid’s is located
one block east of the Bradley Center and is owned and operated by Restaurants Unlimited of Seattle, Wash. For more
information on Kincaid’s Restaurant please visit
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Walker Again Refuses To Improve Transit System
by capper
We have seen time and time again that Walker does not want to help keep the Milwaukee County Transit System keep its wheels on the road. He raises fares and slashes routes (more cuts are coming this weekend), and then wonders why ridership is down, while ever-increasing gas prices is producing a boom in every other major metropolitan area. He has also fiddled around and did his usual grandstanding on working with others, putting $91.5 million at risk of being lost forever.
Now, today, Walker has vetoed the plan to put bike racks on the buses. This is after he has stated that he was for it as long as local tax dollars weren't used. He even tried to use the bike racks as a bargaining chip to get Milwaukee County out of a lawsuit that he created with his no bid contract to tear down the Courthouse Annex.
An email from Shea Schachameyer, of the Bicycle Federation of WI, sent out this email:
As I described on the phone, the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors have the opportunity to override the veto that Scott Walker made today on behalf of the Bike Racks on Buses program. The program, which has been approved multiple times by the Milwaukee County Supervisors has had overwhelming support from Milwaukee residents: we gathered over 17000 signatures and have letters of support from Congresswoman Moore, Mayor Barrett, the SE Regional Director of Health and Family Services, Robert Harris, and many others. In short, the program will:
* Increase ridership
* Expand service area
* Increase the frequency of use
This program will not be another burden for MCTS to pay for. MCTS is in the process of applying for Federal funding to cover 80% of the capitol costs and we are working with them to raise local sponsorship dollars to cover the remaining 20% or $130,000.
I apologize for the short notice, but hope that you will support this program and in doing so will call Chairman Holloway, advising him to support the override of Walker's veto before the County Board Meeting, tomorrow morning at 9am.
Thank you!
Sincerely, Shea--
Shea Schachameyer
Bicycle Federation of WI
(Please note: The email was slightly modified to remove Ms. Schachameyer's personal phone number.)
Ms. Schachameyer also sent along an attachment of a pdf, which I unfortunately cannot find on the web, and currently have no way of posting or linking to. (If someone can help, that would be appreciated.)
The attachment was of a newsletter that outlines some of the benefits that other cities across Wisconsin and across the country have enjoyed from putting bike racks on their buses. These benefits include increased ridership, expanded service areas, more frequent riders, better health of the community (both physically and economically), and a cleaner environment. It also provides federal and local studies that support these assertions.
For further background, there is this site that provides some of the history of the work of the BFWI, in regards to this issue.
So, as Ms. Schachameyer asks, please call County Board Supervisor Lee Holloway, and your own county board supervisor, and urge them to again override another one of Walker's mean-spirited, short-sighted, harmful vetoes, and to follow the will of the people of Milwaukee County.
This would not raise our taxes, and it would help the transit system stay at least at its current level, if not even improve. One just has to wonder: Why would Walker, who claims to support transit, and had at one time supported it, now be against it?
ADDENDUM: Here is the beginning of the pdf report from BFWI:
Efficient and affordable public transportation systems are essential to successful cities. Communities that invest in public transportation realize enhanced development and prosperity. According to the American Public Transportation Association, every $10 million invested in capital projects yields $30 million in business sales. Milwaukee is in need of economic development and more jobs--investment in public transportation can bring these changes. As outlined by Southeastern Wisconsin's Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC), the Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) is potentially facing severe service cuts which would result in "a significantly smaller transit system...operating with shorter service hours and with less frequent service…, and [which would] offer less of an alternative mode of travel to the automobile" by the year 2010. Yet, despite this dreary forecast, it is possible for MCTS to gain economic stability as other transit agencies have done across the country. Bike racks on buses are an affordable and effective capital improvement to invest in. In fact, Florida transit agency, LYNX, found that for one-third the cost of a new bus they could reach more customers with bike racks and expand access to transit from ¼ mile walk buffer to a 1 mile bike buffer, allowing them to reach more customers.
Currently in the United States, there are over 300 transit agencies which, when combined, operate over 75,000 buses. 40,000 of these buses--more than 50%--are equipped with bike racks. Furthermore, out of Wisconsin's twenty municipal transit agencies, 40% have bike racks installed on their buses while and additional 15% plan to within the next six months. Unfortunately, it appears Milwaukee is not only falling behind on a national standard, it is falling behind on what has become a statewide standard as well.
Again, it makes one wonder how Walker can even keep a straight face when he claims that he supports the transit system.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Taylor Endorsed by Latino Coalition for Political Action

Milwaukee – Today, the Latino Coalition for Political Action announced its
endorsement of Lena C. Taylor in the race for Milwaukee County Executive.
“Senator Taylor has demonstrated consistent respect for the Latino community,”
stated Ernesto Chacon, Chairman of the coalition. “She is committed to fighting
hard on the issues most important to us including education, health care, and
economic development. We are confident that as County Executive she will
continue this work for the Latino residents of Milwaukee County.”
“We are honored to have the endorsement of the Latino Coalition for Political
Action,” said John Zapfel, campaign manager for Lena Taylor. “In the Senate,
Lena Taylor has helped to improve access to quality education and health care
for all, and has worked to promote economic growth initiatives. As County
Executive, she will continue this work on behalf of the Latino community and all
residents of Milwaukee County.”
The Latino Coalition for Political Action is comprised of influential leaders in the
Latino community.
Being poor is knowing exactly how much everything costs.
Being poor is getting angry at your kids for asking for all the crap
they see on TV.
Being poor is having to keep buying $800 cars because they're what you
can afford, and then having the cars break down on you, because there's
not an $800 car in America that's worth a damn.
Being poor is hoping the toothache goes away.
Being poor is knowing your kid goes to friends' houses but never has
friends over to yours.
Being poor is going to the restroom before you get in the school lunch
line so your friends will be ahead of you and won't hear you say "I get
free lunch" when you get to the cashier.
Being poor is living next to the freeway.
Being poor is wondering whether your well-off sibling is lying when he
says he doesn't mind when you ask for help.
Being poor is off-brand toys.
Being poor is a heater in only one room of the house.
Being poor is hoping your kids don't have a growth spurt.
Being poor is stealing meat from the store, frying it up before your
mom gets home and then telling her she doesn't have to make dinner
tonight because you're not hungry anyway.
Being poor is not enough space for everyone who lives with you.
Being poor is feeling the glued soles tear off your supermarket shoes
when you run around the playground.
Being poor is your kid's school being the one with the 15-year-old
textbooks and no air conditioning.
Being poor is thinking $8 an hour is a really good deal.
Being poor is relying on people who don't give a damn about you.
Being poor is finding the letter your mom wrote to your dad begging him
for the child support.
Being poor is a bathtub you have to empty into the toilet.
Being poor is stopping the car to take a lamp from a stranger's trash.
Being poor is making lunch for your kid when a cockroach skitters over
the bread, and you looking over to see whether your kid saw.
Being poor is believing a GED actually makes a difference.
Being poor is people angry at you just for walking around in the mall.
Being poor is not taking the job because you can't find someone you
trust to watch your kids.
Being poor is the police busting into the apartment right next to
Being poor is not talking to that girl because she'll probably just
laugh at your clothes.
Being poor is hoping you'll be invited for dinner.
Being poor is a sidewalk with lots of brown glass on it.
Being poor is people thinking they know something about you by the way
you talk.
Being poor is needing that 35-cent raise.
Being poor is your kid's teacher assuming you don't have any books in
your home.
Being poor is $6 short on the utility bill and no way to close the gap.
Being poor is crying when you drop the mac and cheese on the floor.
Being poor is knowing you work as hard as anyone, anywhere.
Being poor is people surprised to discover you're not actually stupid.
Being poor is people surprised to discover you're not actually lazy.
Being poor is never buying anything someone else hasn't bought first.
Being poor is picking the 10-cent ramen noodles instead of the 12-cent
ramen noodles because that's two extra packages for every dollar.
Being poor is getting tired of people wanting you to be grateful.
Being poor is knowing you're being judged.
Being poor is a box of crayons and a $1 coloring book from a community
center Santa.
Being poor is checking the coin return slot of every soda machine you
go by.
Being poor is deciding that it's all right to base a relationship on
Being poor is hoping the register lady will spot you the dime.
Being poor is feeling helpless when your children make the same
mistakes you did and won't listen to you beg them against doing so.
Being poor is a cough that doesn't go away.
Being poor is making sure you don't spill on the couch, just in case
you have to give it back before the lease is up.
Being poor is a $200 paycheck advance from a company that takes $250
when the paycheck comes in.
Being poor is four years of night classes for an associate of arts
Being poor is a lumpy futon bed.
Being poor is knowing where the shelter is.
Being poor is people who have never been poor wondering why you choose
to be so.
Being poor is knowing how hard it is to stop being poor.
Being poor is seeing how few options you have.
Being poor is running in place.
Being poor is people wondering why you didn't leave.
Forbes: Milwaukee an 'up-and coming' tech center
Citing the advanced technology and workplaces of Rockwell Automation Inc. and Johnson Controls Inc., a survey from a public policy professor at George Mason University ranked the city of Milwaukee fifth on a list of the 'top 10 up-and-coming tech cities' as reported in Forbes magazine.
In its report, Forbes said that Philip Auerswald surveyed innovation trends and technologies, including advanced materials, polymers and plastics and cell microbiology, to determine a list of future technology centers. Milwaukee ranked among both big and small cities on the list.
Columbus, Ohio, topped the sometimes curious list, citing the city's $4 billion research institute that oversees seven major laboratories for different federal agencies. Santa Fe, N.M., ranked second, while Palm Beach County, Fla., and Houston were third and fourth, respectively.
Milwaukee made the list because of the advanced products produced by Milwaukee-based industrial automation systems manufacturer Rockwell (NYSE: ROK). Such products are being used to increase manufacturing efficiency. Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) of Glendale was also noted as an adopter and producer of energy-efficient facility management systems. The systems are helping to lead worldwide growth of the company, which Forbes said would grow 35 percent to 190,000 within three to four years.
Monday, March 17, 2008
David Reid, the person behind a mass e-mail sent out by the group UWM Downtown, argues that a downtown location would be more convenient for students, have less environmental impact and create a “true engineering center” in the region by taking advantage of partnerships with schools like MSOE and Marquette, as well as business like Rockwell Automation and Johnson Controls.
“We just feel it’s better for the city and the region to consider expanding downtown instead of in Wauwatosa,” Reid said.
UW-Milwaukee spokesman Tom Luljak said that the decision to build the new engineering school and innovation park on the 83-acre parcel is not set in stone and open for discussion, but the site offers opportunities for key research partnerships.
“Our position is this is really not a real estate issue,” he said. “It’s much more a discussion about who we can partner with to advance our research initiatives.”
Luljak noted that the site offers a chance for collaboration with others like GE, the Medical College of Wisconsin, Children’s Hospital and Froedtert.
“Those are all institutions that are engaged in scientific research,” Luljak said. “By siting our innovation park and college nearby we believe that it could lead to tremendous collaboration that would much more rapidly fuel economic developments in the region.”
Luljak said the university is considering a downtown site for a new Academic Health Center and a proposed School of Public Health and is presently engaged in master planning for the physical aspects of the campus and is also working on a long-range academic plan. The goal is to synchronize the geographic concerns with academic needs.
But Reid said the public hasn’t been brought into the discussion enough.
He likened the issue to the debate over the placement of Miller Park, which some wanted built downtown.
“Maybe we should stop and think about this for a minute,” Reid said. “Maybe this would be a better option.”
The group has a Web site at and Reid blogs about development issues at
New fish, chop and steakhouse on Milwaukee’s Old World Third Street to salute “Kincaids” with
VIP Treatment on Saturday, March 29th
MILWAUKEE, Wis. – Kincaid’s Restaurant, a new fish, chop and steakhouse preparing to open in Milwaukee in late March, today announced it has launched a search for Southeast Wisconsin individuals named ‘Kincaid’ to join them for a Kincaid’s “family” reunion on Saturday, March 29th.
“Kincaid’s Restaurant is all about celebration, great food and making memories. Our restaurant wants to do something fun to celebrate this great community as we become a part of it,” said Karli Larsen, guest services director for Kincaid’s Restaurant. “We are giving everyone named ‘Kincaid’ a VIP experience including a complimentary dinner and red carpet treatment as we celebrate our grand opening. We are excited that our Milwaukee Riverwalk location along Old World Third Street is the first Kincaid’s Restaurant in Wisconsin, and we look forward to celebrating with our new ‘family’ friends.”
Larsen said the Kincaid’s namesakes will arrive via complimentary limousines, be greeted, walk down the red carpet and receive other star treatment.
“We may not have gift bags quite like the Academy Awards, but we will have a lot of great surprises for the people who come out and celebrate with us, especially the Kincaids,” Larsen said.
Those sharing the Kincaid name and wishing to participate will need to register online at the restaurant’s website at no later than Friday, March 21st. Different spelling variations of the name will be considered, and a photo ID will be required the night of the event. Individuals registering must be at least 21 years old and space will be limited.
Larsen said people who don’t share the same name are also invited; they’ll become ‘honorary’ Kincaids that night. While they won’t receive a complimentary dinner, those non-Kincaids who attend at 7 p.m. can line the red carpet and cheer on the local Kincaids contingent as they arrive at the restaurant. Greeters will enjoy a free appetizer with other special offers throughout the evening.
Kincaid’s is a restaurant with a diverse menu featuring a number of unique, versatile dishes from rock salt-roasted prime rib, to lobster macaroni and cheese to three different preparations of oysters and a fresh seafood list that changes regularly. Kincaid’s will occupy the former Third Street Pier space in the Old World Third District, one block east of the Bradley Center and near other Milwaukee entertainment attractions.
“Kincaid’s food is a modern take on traditional American fare, and Southeast Wisconsin residents are going to love its Milwaukee River view and large riverfront patio,” said Jason Cole, Kincaid’s executive chef and LaCrosse, Wis. native. “We are excited to accommodate business lunch crowds as well as families and couples headed out to see a concert or a sporting event down the street. We are well known around the country for our fresh seafood, excellent steaks, a large wine selection and signature martinis.”
Kincaid’s Restaurant is owned and operated by Restaurants Unlimited out of Seattle, Wash. For more information on Kincaid’s Restaurant and specifically the Milwaukee location, please visit