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Sandy Sullivan is the Republican candidate for Wisconsin Secretary of State.
by Todd Richmond
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
MADISON, Wis. -- Sex! The Green Bay Packers! Sex WITH the Green Bay Packers! The usually ho-hum race for Wisconsin secretary of state is being spiced up by one candidate's naughty tell-all book about her bed-hopping exploits with Green Bay football legends during the team's glory days in the 1960s.
Sandy Sullivan, a 65-year-old Republican with no political experience, selfpublished a gushing memoir in 2004 titled "Green Bay Love Stories and Other Affairs" in which she claims she was the girlfriend of Green Bay Packers Paul Hornung and Dan Currie, defl ected a pass from Hall of Famer Don Hutson and was on the receiving end of a saucy comment from Richard Nixon.
If the book is to be believed, the Packers did a lot of their scoring off the field and Sullivan got her share of playing time.
In football-crazy Wisconsin, it is unclear whether the book will be a gain or a loss for Sullivan, who is not given much of a chance of beating Secretary of State Doug La Follette, a 28-year incumbent and a member of one of Wisconsin's most distinguished political families. But the book is getting people talking.
In it, she confi des that her goal was always to marry a football player, saying they are "fast, sleek and clean," are built like "Greek gods" and love women.
"The football players of the 1950s and '60s were every bit as 'HOT' as the men of the present day, if not more so," Sullivan writes of the days when she was a trim, miniskirted brunette who did some modelling. "Remember, the '60s was the 'dawning of the Age of Aquarius' and some women . . . were thrilled to experience this brave, new freedom and celebrate our sexuality . . . and the football players loved it!" Sullivan, now a blond, owns a marketing company that she says sets up autograph sessions and Packer appearances, is not hiding from her past. If anything, she is revelling in it. Her campaign website prominently mentions the book and features a picture of her with former Packers quarterback Bart Starr.
Sullivan says she was 19 in 1961 when she took a job with the Packers selling tickets and met Hornung, the Heisman Trophy-winning running back. She was instantly smitten with the wavy-haired golden boy known for his off-the-fi eld romantic exploits.
"Here he was, in the fl esh! Oh! My God! He was soooo CUTE! . . . He immediately asked me out and I immediately accepted," Sullivan wrote. She quickly learned "there are two things football players think about all the time . . . FOOTBALL AND SEX . . . and seldom in that order." She recounted an encounter with Hornung during training camp in which Hornung picked her up at 5:30 a.m. and drove to a Green Bay hotel for sex.
Some Packer coaches were in the lobby, so Hornung made her climb the fi re escape to the fi fth fl oor while he went in through the lobby.
Hornung broke down the door to the fi re escape, almost knocking her over the railing, she wrote. She wrote she doesn't remember having sex with him that night, "although I must have!" Hornung did not return numerous messages left by The Associated Press.
The book, however, includes a foreword in which he describes Sullivan as a "carefree, fun-loving girl who fi t right in with me and the rest of the 'Pack."' When she was 20 she met Hutson, who was 50 then and long past his playing days. She said Hutson asked her to sleep with him, but she turned him down because he was a "relic from the Stone Ages" and she was in love with Hornung.
She also fell for Currie, a Packers linebacker. ("SIGH! One would have to be in a coma not to want him," Sullivan wrote.) She later married Currie's dentist, Matt Sullivan. He died in 1984.
One time, Nixon came to Green Bay for a ceremony to honour Starr and Sullivan attended in a miniskirt. When Nixon began to speak, she started swinging her legs and smiling at him.
He returned the smile.
Later he shook her hand, leaned over into her and softly said, "Hello there . . . so you must be the CHERRY of the evening." No one was sure what Nixon meant, Sullivan wrote, though she speculated he had confused her with Starr's wife, Cherry.
© The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon) 2006
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